Learn to walk

From 10 to 12 months there are many children who manage to stand up, they also try to move on the back of some furniture, it can take several weeks until they finally get around without help.

To favor this learning, parents can provide a wide and safe space where they have that freedom to practice their new ability, learn to walk. If it takes longer to learn, it is not necessary to worry, since each child evolves at his own pace.

Parents are your main help in learning to walk. Teach him to stay straight on your legs, with the peace of mind that if he gets tired, the arms of the mother / father will welcome him.

Walking barefoot, held by one hand helps stimulate the ability to grip the fingers. If it's cold, remember to put on non-slip socks. It is good that he walks on irregular surfaces such as sand, grass ... When he stretches to reach his favorite toy that is on a piece of furniture, the child stands up almost without realizing it. We must not take our eyes off this arduous task, intervening in the face of the danger of falling or lending a hand if we see that he is tired.

The children take their first steps holding on to the furniture, therefore, we must remove from their path those that can easily tip over.

Video: Foo Fighters. Walk. (May 2024).