Should we let the baby cry in the crib?

The classic situation occurs at bedtime: we put the baby in the crib and starts crying. Some theories argue that you have to let him cry in his crib until he gets tired and falls asleep, even that is the way to teach them to sleep (see Fall asleep child: does the end justify the means?). Particularly, I am not very supportive of behavioral methods.

First of all we have to know why he cries and discard some of the most common reasons for crying such as hunger, sleep, pain, cold, dirty diaper or fear. Amen of boogers that won't let you breathe, the lost pacifier and others. You always have to go to comfort the crying baby and if we see that all your needs are covered but not stop crying, obviously the reason is different. He never cries without cause, art is in knowing what the real motive is.

They may simply need to be in your arms, feel insecure and seek contact with mom or dad. Protection is also a basic need for babies. I don't believe much in topical classics like "it has taken your time" or "it does it on purpose." Many times I felt guilty at the thought that my daughter was crying from her cradle of pure whim and it turns out that she had a dirty diaper or had lost her pacifier. Parents fear spoiling them if we appear every time they cry, believing that we are going to misuse them. We don't know when to let them cry and when not, or if we should let them cry.

I think that like everything in the education of children, it is a matter of common sense. We are not going to leave the child bellowing two hours in the crib before sleeping because the only thing we will get is that it is altered and confused and then it is more difficult to sleep. Some come to vomit and even hit to get attention.

Nothing happens either because he cries a few minutes in his crib before bed, they do it to show that they do not like anything that ends the party, but as they see that we do not attend they understand that the time has come to fall asleep.

A little patience to lull the baby can avoid stressful situations for both the child and the parents. And all to sleep in peace.

Video: Parenting Skills & Babies : How to Get a Baby to Sleep in the Crib (May 2024).