Encourage your child to read

There are children who do not like to read at all, some even have a hard time doing it, and this may be a consequence of the wrong concept that children have, they think that reading is boring, although in many cases they do like to be read.

Encouraging your child to read, it can be an arduous task, but it can provide you with easier learning, better grades in studies and a good time of fun (even if you don't know it yet).

Reading is essential to acquire knowledge and this should be taught from the example. A home with books and parents who are fond of reading, helps children to be more willing to read. Your child may ask you why he has to read, and you don't have to fall into the mistake of telling him that it is to learn to write better or not to be ignorant, this is not going to motivate you at the moment. The child, when he begins to read, is in the age of playing and fantasizing, so it would be convenient to answer him with something that is true, for example, that the books tell very funny stories, that can make him dream and that make a lot of company, is In other words, books are irreplaceable friends who will always be waiting for the child to have it in their hands.

You must also understand that it is not an obligation, but quite the opposite, reading is a pleasure, so you must choose the readings that you like and can really have fun. Recommend that you read aloud, this will help you fine tune the intonation and recognize the words.

The fact that your child already knows how to read does not imply that you stop reading. At first, when they have a hard time saying a few words and they read at a very slow pace, the story does not understand it well, but by reading it we understand the message and enjoy it much more, awakening their interest and the desire to read.

Make him a participant in the book that you are reading, when you find a passage that you liked, you read it, if he sees that you are satisfied with the reading he will understand that it is something fun and exciting.

Try to read at the most appropriate time and allow him to choose between several books, remember to take it as an entertainment activity and not as an obligation.

Video: Tips on Reading to Kids (July 2024).