This is the reason why no one should kiss a baby on the mouth: his daughter was close to not telling her

We have often talked about the appropriateness or not of kissing children, and I am one of the defenders of doing it if the parents feel it (and are healthy), but one of the detractors if the one who has to kiss it are other people, like In the case of this baby, he hardly tells.

A friend of the parents picked her up, wanted to kiss her and did not hesitate to do so, spreading a virus that put her in danger and was saved after three days of hospitalization and medication. This is the reason why no one should kiss a baby in the mouth.

The danger of infecting a herpes simplex baby

Apparently, that friend had the virus herpes simplex and he passed it to the girl when he kissed her. Herpes simplex virus is a virus that causes wounds or sores in the mouth or face and although it is a virus that is not more serious in adults, it is very dangerous in newborns or people with the immature immune system.

It is a virus that is spread by direct contact. There are asymptomatic people, who never suffer wounds and others who have ulcers near the area where they were infected from time to time.

These outbreaks, those wounds, can happen several times a year or sometimes be long without manifesting, until a drop in defenses appear again.

When these wounds exist, these pupae in the mouth, the contact should be limited because in that moment the contagion is very easy If there is contact between the lips, which is what happened to the friend of the parents, who probably did not know that he could spread the virus that way.

The girl was admitted to the hospital three days and had to return two days later to see that everything was going well, and she was saved because the mother took her as soon as she suspected she might have something.

Other babies have not had the same fate, as in the case of a girl who died 24 days old for the same reason.

If it's not herpes, it can be anything

That I say, one thing is that it is the parents who kiss their children (I did not even do it as babies, but when they already knew how to give kisses, which are already older) and a very different one that other people do: they may be sick or, if they are healthy, they can be carriers of viruses and bacteria very dangerous for babies, especially before two months when they have not even received their first vaccines.

So, if possible, don't leave Let no one kiss your babies in the mouthAnd if they are sick, they better refrain from visiting you. There will be other days and other times to see you, no doubt, when they are healthy.

Share please

Claire Henderson, the mother of the girl who stars in the news, posted her story on her Facebook and asked anyone to read it so that all new parents would know her case and take into account the danger, so transferring her request to the blog , please share this entry if there where people live is very kissing children, even in the mouth.

Video: Parents Whose Newborn Died From a Kiss: 'This Was a Freakish Accident' (July 2024).