Stop obesity from conception

As we know, obesity is one of the evils that has a great impact on industrialized countries, the weapons used to combat it are the information and prevention provided by parents, schools, institutions, etc.

Not all cases are the same, there is hereditary obesity, which today cannot be modified, but different markers associated with the features related to obesity have already been discovered and surely in the not too distant future, these may be manipulated so that the child does not suffer from this problem.

Obesity is a disease strongly linked to habits and lifestyle, sedentary lifestyle and diet are two great conditions. However, obesity can mark a child before even being born, obese parents can transfer the problem to future babies, be born with excess weight or even if the mother suffers from tobacco addiction, it can affect the child has possibilities of being obese If we want to win the battle against obesity, we must attack the problem from the same root and, we are the parents.

We must maintain healthy habits and a balanced diet that allows the proper development of the future baby, if we do everything in our power so that the child does not suffer certain problems, we will thank him and he will thank us for growing healthy and happy. .

Video: Can being obese affect a woman's ability to get pregnant? (May 2024).