Babies without diapers?

It is very difficult to imagine a baby of just months without diapers. All babies wear diapers, because they are not yet mature to control their physiological needs.

But something that for some is as obvious as a baby wearing diapers, for others it is not.

A new trend, from my absurd point of view, is train babies to free them from diaper use.

I speak of children in some cases of less than a year, who even without knowing how to walk or talk supposedly communicate to their parents when they want to “go to the bathroom”.

Instead of putting on diapers, parents who apply this diaper-free technique say they learn to interpret the baby's cues when they feel like peeing or pooping. When it happens, they are taken to the potty or to the toilet.

What signs can a baby give to say that he wants to pee, they will ask. Well, probably more than letting them know, it is the parents who establish a routine to take them to the toilet. When you wake up in the morning, after nap and after lunch, you will probably want to go.

However, sometimes they do wear diapers, such as when they go out for a walk, at bedtime, or at night.

There are some associations such as DiaperFree Baby, which Eliana was talking about at the time, which supports parents who want to ensure that their children are not slaves to diapers.

I respect parents who choose this option, but I honestly seem to force things a bit. Although worse it seems to me about the Chinese who go out directly with babies without diapers.

My almost three-year-old girl, who has just left her diapers, is now mature enough to identify when she needs to go to the bathroom. Unthinkable in a baby of just months.

Video: DIAPER FREE UPDATE (July 2024).