In search of the third child, personal diary

We have two skies of children (girl and boy) already grown, we have long since passed the time of the "bottle" and the diaper, the sleepless nights and the whole set of situations surrounding the world of the baby. However, many months ago the idea of ​​expanding the family and swelling the lists of what is now known as a large family was removed within us.

After speaking it and weighing pros and cons, there was no doubt and we decided to go in search of our third child, but after fourteen months, he still hasn't wanted to arrive. When you have had two children, you are sure that there will be no problem for a new conception, but time does not pass in vain, age, lifestyle, environment ... everything influences when it comes to putting difficulties.

The decision comes to go to the specialists to try to find out what is happening. We make an appointment with the family planning area, a kind doctor attends to us, the questions are several, how old are we, how long have we been looking for conception, on what dates do we try and other questions begin to outline what our clinical history will be. Initially we must perform some tests that verify our healthy and apparent state of health, the specialist tells us that sometimes it costs a little to achieve the desired goal, but the delay should not discourage the desire, in one way or another we will give a little brother to our children .

Now we have to wait for the results of the tests that will take approximately 15 days, we prepare a concerted visit with the gynecologist who will be responsible for examining the analyzes and planning what will be the steps to follow, while the family planning manager offers us a small leaflet where you are informed about the best moments to look for conception.

We leave the consultation and the feeling of hope remains firm in our hearts, once at home we mark the most recommended days to look for our third child.

Some friends or acquaintances make curious comments, "you still want more", "again sleepless nights and the inconvenience of the newborn", etc, etc. We are one of those who welcome birth as a great event that must be celebrated, being parents is not an obligation, it is a satisfaction.

Anyway, we will try to tell you our way to achieve the goal, our stumbling blocks and advances, our sorrows and joys and finally we hope to offer the news that we are pregnant.

Video: English - Diary Writing (July 2024).