Should a maximum age be established to undergo fertility treatments?

On the occasion of a course on vitrification of ovules, one of the most innovative techniques for the conservation of ovules, Professor Safaa Al-Hasani, one of the experts in the field, defended against numerous colleagues from different countries the need for European Union set a maximum age for women who intend to have children through artificial fertilization techniques.

Currently there is no general regulation, so each center has its own criteria to accept or refuse treatment, so experts advocate for a law at European level, which would otherwise prevent women from traveling abroad to undergo treatments that do not consent in their own countries, the so-called reproductive tourism.

They believe that the maximum age could be set at 50, since a pregnancy after that age carries a risk of medical complications, in addition to the ethical dilemma that arises about raising a child beyond 50.

We have already discussed the issue on the blog. I tend to agree with the experts that we must give a certain legal framework to the matter. It is a personal opinion, but I do not see the natural tendency to have children at sixty.

It is also a reality that women are mothers at increasingly advanced ages thanks to the advances that are taking place in fertility treatments.

The controversy on the issue of the age limit comes back on when there are cases such as the oldest mother in the world, a 67-year-old Cadiz woman who lied her age to access the treatment that allowed her to bring a pair of twins to the world.

Do you think it is right to limit the ability to procreate a woman after a certain age or on the contrary that she must be free to assume her own risks if she wants to be a mother at an advanced age?

Video: IVF, Fertility Treatment, Assisted Conception, pregnancy, Test Tube Baby (July 2024).