Super Cataleya receives a bone marrow transplant to cure her leukemia: her father has been the donor

Update 10/25/2018: Little Cataleya, who was admitted to the La Paz hospital in Madrid, was discharged a few days ago after recovering favorably from the transplant. Now you must continue with regular medical checkups to verify that your recovery continues to be good.

Only a few days ago we spread the campaign on social networks under the hashtag #SuperCataleya, with which Adrián and Carlota, wanted to publicize the case of their daughterCataleya I urgently needed a compatible bone marrow donor to undergo a transplant.

And is that with only 11 months, this little girl from Valladolid, has more than half of her short life fighting acute myeloid leukemia. And finally yesterday came his hope:

'SuperCataleya' (as her parents call her) he received a bone marrow transplant yesterday from his father, with a 50 percent cell compatibility with the small one.

This is how his father shared the good news on his Twitter account:

This is the biggest. 🔝🔝🔝🔝🔝🔝🔝
And you, do you dare?
BECOME A DONOR. # supercataleya # cataleya # donamedula

- Adrián García. (@ agl5988) September 26, 2018

Adrián and Carlota began the campaign on social networks with the intention of raising people's awareness of “The importance of becoming bone marrow donors”: for his daughter Cataleya, and for the 5,000 people who are diagnosed each year in our country.

See this post on Instagram

🌸 Cataleya is 11 months old and has been fighting leukemia for 5 years. He lives with his parents in Valladolid and his best option is to find a compatible bone marrow donor to undergo a transplant ... Just like Cataleya, hundreds of people in the world of all ages live the same situation: they need a bone marrow transplant and They do not have a compatible donor among their relatives. Did you know that only 1 in 4 people has a compatible HLA brother? ... If you are between 18 and 40 years old and in good health, find out about bone marrow donation. Not only for Cataleya, but for all the people in the world who need it ➡️➡️➡️ In the same link you can check the map of hospitals and centers in Spain where you can go to register donor. We are #imparable against leukemia! Im #imparables #cancerinfantil #leukemia #donamedula #donasangre #linfoma #valladolid #fundacionjosepcarreras

A shared publication of the Josep Carreras Foundation (@imparablescontralaleukemia) on 5 Sep, 2018 at 12:25 PDT

A super heroine

Cataleya has spent five months admitted to the hospital, following a hard chemotherapy treatment and, as reported by the North of Castile, he did not have a compatible bone marrow donor until next December. A date too far because I needed an urgent transplant.

In Babies and more # SuperCataleya, the campaign launched by the parents of a baby with leukemia, to encourage bone marrow donations

Now he can undergo the bone marrow transplant he needed so much, thanks to the fact that his father's cells, Adrián García, have 50 percent compatibility with hers.

Yesterday, September 26, he underwent a blood draw and then transfused the baby.

"We trust that everything will work out", the father explained in statements to the newspaper El Norte de Castilla, although he admitted that "the risks exist".

This transplant gives hope and will continue next week with lymphocyte extraction. His parents add:

"We should thank all the people who are turning to us, and also the Clinical hospital and La Paz hospital, for the excellent medical treatment received."

Donations save lives

Every year 5,000 new cases of leukemia are diagnosed in Spain, according to the Josep Carreras Foundation. And 20 percent of those diagnosed during childhood are acute myeloid: every year, eight cases per million children under 15, especially before two years.

In Babies and more Childhood leukemia: a new study suggests that in the future it could be prevented

The cause that originates it is not known but its treatment: bone marrow transplantation. The brothers are the best donors, because they are supposed to be more compatible, although only one in four small sick people finds it in the same family.

Therefore, most children have to resort to international voluntary donor registries.

Therefore, although Cataleya is one of the few lucky ones who has been able to benefit from her father's blood, we want to take advantage of her story to join her parents and ask more bone marrow donors because they can save many small lives.

Video: Try Not To Cry: Little Girl Meets Her Donor (July 2024).