Actress Charlize Theron reveals that her seven-year-old daughter is transgender

It is currently common to meet the children of some celebrities, who are constantly photographed by paparazzi due to the fame and exposure of their mothers and fathers. One of them is Jackson, the eldest of the adopted children of actress Charlize Theron, who He has attracted attention since childhood for wearing dresses and skirts.

Now, the actress has revealed that Jackson is transgenderWell, he told his mother from an early age that he was not a child and did not identify with the male gender.

According to the English Daily Mail portal, the South African actress recently stated in an interview that Jackson, whom he introduced to the world as a boy, is actually a girl and that is why he has always been seen wearing skirts and dresses like his younger sister August.

In Babies and more, he's only ten years old but he's still clear that he's a boy, it's John Jolie Pitt

The actress comments that she thought Jackson was a child, until at three years old, he turned to see her and said "I'm not a child!":

So there you have it! I have two beautiful daughters who, like any father, want to protect and see them prosper. They were born as they are and they must be the ones who find themselves as they grow, it is not something that corresponds to me to decide. My job as a mother is to celebrate them, love them and make sure they have everything they need to be who they want to be. And I will do everything in my power so that my daughters have that right and are protected.

This is not the first case in which a celebrity speaks openly about the gender her children have chosen. A few years ago, we gave the news of Angelina Jolie's daughter and Brad Pitt, who since childhood told her parents that she was actually a boy, asking them to call him John and starting with a treatment to change gender at age 11 old.

Video: Charlize Theron Says Her Oldest Child Is 'Not A Boy' & She's A Girl: It's 'Not For Me To Decide' (July 2024).