Specialty of child and youth psychiatry, when?

It is on guard duty that we met in 2008 and there is still no Spain in Spain. specialty of child and youth psychiatryIn most countries of the European Union it exists as a specialty or as a subspecialty, however, in Spain there is only one project that does not seem to advance.

This is a very important field, many children need to have this specialty and trained staff that can address their problems. Being able to diagnose disorders such as autism, intellectual disability, depression or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in time, allow treating and trying to solve the problem or disease more effectively. The training of child psychiatrists is necessary, avoiding what is currently happening, the hiring of psychiatrists who have not received specific training and who treat adult and child patients in the same way. Remember that what can work in an adult does not necessarily work in a child, a treatment does not provide the same results in one or the other. In Spain there are hardly any specialists in this field, so the Family Platform for the Creation of the Specialty of Child and Child Psychiatry was created.

This platform denounces the current situation and claims a prompt action by the Government to make the project a reality and not a simple role. As the platform mentions, the prevention of certain pathologies in adulthood begins by preventing them in childhood. The same goes for many diseases that are developed in childhood and end up showing in adulthood. We know that specialists indicate that more and more children are diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, although this is only an example.

It is important for our children to support the creation of the specialty of child and child psychiatry and that all those children who have problems related to this specialty, are properly cared for, to see if Spain ceases to be one of the only two countries in the European Union where This specialty does not exist yet.