ADHD affects between two and five percent of children in Spain, and early diagnosis is important

The Spanish Federation of Deficit Assistance Associations for Attention and Hyperactivity (FEAADAH), established the month of October as the month of awareness for ADHD, and specifically, October 26 as the day of ADHD in Spain, waiting for WHO to set a worldwide date.

ADHD is the most common psychiatric disorder in children, with an incidence of five percent of the child-youth population, which is equivalent to one or two students per classroom. This year, the Federation wanted to dedicate the day to adults with ADHD, and to the importance of an early diagnosis in childhood.

What is ADHD and what symptoms do you have?

According to FEAADAH, ADHD is a disorder of neurological origin caused by an imbalance between two brain neurotransmitters: norepinephrine and dopamine, which directly affect the areas of the brain responsible for self-control and inhibition of inappropriate behavior.

This disorder causes in the child alterations in his behavior, such as hyperactivity, impulsivity, and difficulty or inability to pay attention and concentrate, which can lead to many problems, both in his social life and in the school environment (high rates of school failure ).

In Babies and more How to know if my child has ADHD: symptoms, tests, how to proceed, how to avoid a false diagnosis Usually, ADHD manifests before age seven but is not always diagnosed, and often the child is labeled as "rude "," liar "or" disobedient ".

A early diagnosis is essential to alleviate the symptoms, as well as to prevent and avoid associated complications. That is why, from the FEAADAH, they have wanted this month to become aware of the importance of childhood diagnosis, and the visibility of ADHD in adulthood.

The importance of early diagnosis

The first manifestations of ADHD usually appear with the beginning of the Primary stage, when the child is asked a series of demands that are often difficult to meet (pay attention, do homework, stay seated for long periods of time ...).

Generally, it is the parents, teachers, pediatricians or school psychologists who give the alarm, but it must be the specialist doctors (neurologists and psychiatrists) who make the definitive diagnosis. For this, it is essential to carry out a series of tests:

  • Interviews with parents and child
  • An evaluation of teacher information
  • Physical exams
  • Complementary tests to rule out other problems, such as intellectual assessment, language and learning tests, or specific attention tests.
In Babies and more, is there or does not exist ADHD? The expert's opinion

The diagnosis will lead to the most appropriate treatment for the child, as well as the action plan to follow, and that will include the participation of a psychologist, a pedagogue, a support teacher and other professionals.

Between two and five percent of children suffer from ADHD

According to FEAADAH data, between two and five percent of children suffer from ADHD, being one of the most important disorders in child and adolescent psychiatry.

ADHD is chronic, and it is estimated that more than 80 percent of children who suffer from it will continue to present problems in adolescence, and between 30 and 65 percent also in adulthood.

But an accurate diagnosis is not only essential to identify the problem, but also proper treatment is necessary. And, according to experts, medical prescription rates only represent between three and seven percent of children diagnosed. Improper treatment can cause labor, economic and couple problems in adulthood, as well as other associated psychiatric problems, such as depression.

For these reasons, from the FEAADAH insist on the importance of early detection and treatment to alleviate or reduce symptoms over time, allowing the child to fully develop all its potential.

There are several occasions in which we have talked about ADHD in childhood, but on a day like today we want to join the request of the FEAADAH to give greater visibility to this disorder, so frequent in childhood.

Video: What Is Oppositional Defiant Disorder? Child Psychology (July 2024).