More information about colecho and the risk of sudden infant death

A few days ago, he published an article about colecho and the risk of sudden infant death in which he mentioned that great experts such as Rosa Jové or Carlos González recommend this practice. In fact, many more parents practice it than they confess to do so since it has many benefits for both parties.

According to the defenders of sleeping with the baby, among which I am included, fulfilling a series of requirements can be practiced a safe bed, that is to say sleeping in the same bed without any risk for the little one.

In addition to facilitating breastfeeding, it seems practical and natural, but I was amazed to read an interview with Argentine doctor Irene Scheimberg, a prestigious pediatrician responsible for pediatric and perinatal pathology at the Royal London Hospital and an autopsy specialist for children who have died from sudden death, who gives us more information about colecho.

The doctor explains that it has been a great step to recommend that parents put their babies to sleep on their backs, because thanks to this change, deaths in infants have been significantly reduced.

Also recommend do not sleep with the baby in the same bed all night, but put him to sleep in his own crib because he has been able to verify that many of the children who have suffered sudden death of the infant were mostly babies under four months who slept in bed with their parents, usually in winter and with a lot of shelter .

He believes that sudden death may be related to the body temperature regulation system. There are children who mature later than others and children with different reactions to heat and cold. For certain babies, sleeping in the same bed exposed to the body heat that the parents say goodbye together with the shelter of the bedding increases the risk of a tragedy, and even more so in the case of either parent or both , smoke.

Dr.'s statements have left me somewhat disconcerted, since among the benefits of colecho we can find that it favors the baby's thermoregulation and that children who sleep with their parents have a greater amount of nighttime awakenings avoiding deep sleep and reducing the risk of apnea during sleep.

I will continue supporting the colecho but remembering that among other recommendations it is very important not to overcoat the baby or cover his head with the blankets.

An intermediate solution is cohabitation, that is, sleeping with the baby in the same room or using a crib that is attached to the double bed in which the child sleeps with his parents without being attached to them. Having the baby close favors the alertness of the mother to possible episodes of apnea.

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