If you don't like vegetables, it's instinctive

When we put in front of a child a vegetable dish The most normal thing is that you quickly reject it and say you don't like it. We usually think that it will be the color green or perhaps the texture, which makes spinach, chard or beans the greatest enemy of our children.

An American scientist has tried to decipher if there can be any clue in genetics that explains these reactions of the kids. The conclusions are striking.

The fact that children love sweets and goodies and hate vegetables, apparently it is thanks to the survival instinct of the human being The sense of taste rejects the bitter taste because most of the poisons have this taste, and is inclined to sweet because it is associated with acquiring calories in the form of quick sugars, so that taking sweet things can even be pleasant.

According to the author of the study, within the sense of taste there are 27 recipients that serve to distinguish bitter flavors, and instead only three for sweets, which in prehistory helped us avoid taking poisonous foods. This is why we find it so difficult to get children to take syrups and medications.

Despite these conclusions, do not lose hope, with learning and being creative at mealtime, children will learn that the vegetable is good

The good thing about this is that these instincts are not permanent, and as the person grows, his sense of taste changes, and we begin to admit new foods.

Via | The world