Today April 2, World Autism Awareness Day

Today, April 2, World Autism Awareness Day is celebrated. It will be the second year of its celebration and for this reason the WCO, World Autism Organization wants to bring to society information and awareness about this disorder, in order to ensure that these people do not remain "invisible citizens."

The World Autism Organization He points out that the greater knowledge of this problem has led to the inclusion of many cases as framed in autism spectrum disorder and that, for this reason, there are already many people, especially children, who are thus diagnosed.

There must be laws that protect them effectively and that these laws are followed, because today's children have the right to take a place in society and not be relegated and forgotten.

The WCO will speak today in United Nations to bring the voice of all those affected to the highest global organization and keep their demands alive.

The World Autism Organization (WCO) was officially born on November 21, 1998 in Luxembourg and its main objective is to improve the quality of life of autistic people and their families in all parts of the world.

To achieve this, they carry out information and awareness actions of national public institutions in addition to international organizations such as UNESCO, WHO and the United Nations, as well as raising awareness and helping parents and professionals in all sectors of health and education.

Children with autism spectrum disorders need understanding, resources and proper guidance in pedagogical and health actions that affect them to achieve the greatest possible integration and their global development as people. I wish the celebration of this World Autism Awareness Day meet your goal.

Video: World Autism Awareness Day at UN Headquarters (May 2024).