Infant colic. Can I help my baby?

We have previously analyzed the infant colic. The conclusion is that many problems that are well known are due to other causes with solution, but when our baby has a genuine colic of the infant, the reason is unknown only increases our confusion and concern.

It may be true that nothing serious happens to him, but what is evident is that he cries and suffers. It hurts and if we can't help you, we feel helpless and distressed. But we can help you?

There are a number of tips that we can adopt and that are usually helpful in most cases. Once the pediatrician has ruled out the allergy to cow's milk protein and eliminated it from the mother's milk or diet, if the problem persists we can start adopting some simple tricks that can be of relief.

The first thing is to try to prevent the child from filling with gas. If you are breast-feeding, you must ensure that you have an adequate posture in breastfeeding with the help, if necessary, of an advisor or a support group. If you take a bottle, you must give it with the proper nipple and placing the bottle correctly, neither vertically nor too much lying, but making it possible to imitate the posture and oral work that babies do when breastfeeding. Regarding the removal of gases, I am in favor of doing something obligatory, it depends on each baby and always use a soft technique, simply leaving it upright.

It is a good idea that the nursing mother should eliminate from her diet, now with more reason, the exciting ones such as caffeine and theine, present in coffee, tea and cola.

The infant colic They usually show up at the same time, usually in the late afternoon. Knowing it can help us be prepared and anticipate by creating the most relaxing environment possible for the child and for us. Bathing the child or bathing with him a little before the critical hour is very pleasant and can have effects.

For babies, being in arms is a more than pleasant, essential sensation. Whether it has a calming effect during the crying phase or if we do not perceive a real effect, taking the baby in your arms will allow you to spend those bad moments contained and safe. If the baby rejects the hug, just hold it, but never try to stop the crying but simply by transmitting our loving presence. In many cases using a shoulder strap or scarf is very useful and makes the baby reproduce the posture and sensations of the womb. And if it works, nothing happens to go for a walk on the street, that's why we are not going to "spoil" the child's dream.

Baby massages are very useful and it is also helpful to give her soft passes with her hand on her belly or place her face down on our arm. Every child is different and all these tricks we can use to confirm if they help.

There are those who believe that these moments of crying can be a way to relieve tensions and that is why I repeat, we must accompany more than try to silence it, calming down if the ideas I propose give effect and if not, simply being present and transmitting our love and tranquility .

Babies receive many stimuli and these can sometimes be inappropriate or excessive. In the afternoon it is especially better to avoid visits that alter him or us, the noise or loud noises and lights.

Our attitude is fundamental when the baby has infant colic. Parents should also pamper themselves, rest and be able to keep calm and relaxed when colic occurs. Of course getting nervous, upset, yelling at the baby or shaking it, especially the latter that is very dangerous, we must know how to control it. To do this, if necessary, we can go to relaxation techniques.

If the pediatrician has confirmed that the child has no health problems, worrying too much does not help us, although the parents' intuition must always be taken into account. The mother especially has to take care of her, help her face her fears or insecurities, transmitting that she will be a wonderful mother and that her son feels happy at his side. A baby with colic exhausts physically and emotionally, so the puerpera needs emotional containment and effective help.

And I reiterate the importance of aid as fundamental. Housework or caring for older children can be shared and delegated to other loving people at that time to focus on caring for the baby. The best visits are those that are willing to do laundry or prepare dinner without interfering between the mother and the baby, although if she needs a break she will feel better if she can have it.

So soft music, massage, carry the loaded baby as long as possible and a lot of confidence will be the best way to Help our baby cope with infant colic.

Video: Soothing Colicky Babies (July 2024).