Advertising is a key factor in increasing childhood obesity

The first data of the "Polmark" project, which drives the European Union and which aims to counteract the growing problem of obesity in children up to 12 years, have already been obtained. In these the emphasis is placed on the influence of television advertising, followed by the Internet, in obesity and overweight among minors, and in the need to strengthen regulation.

Polmark stands for "Assesment of Policy options for marketing food and beverages to children", which we can translate as "Evaluation of food and beverage marketing options for children." This is a scientific study of eleven EU countries to measure the influence of the marketing of food and beverages on children's diet.

The investigation shows the existence of divisions between the economic interests of food industries and advertising agencies on the one hand, and the "objective" health interests, defended by consumer groups, family organizations and public health.

The members of the study team have analyzed the state of regulation on the marketing of food and beverages to children. For it, have studied all current regulations and earlier on the subject in the EU member states and, in particular, in Spain.

Without a doubt, it would be necessary to legally regulate the issuance of food advertising, not only in cases that can lead to confusion such as those that we have commented recently with those prepared to control cholesterol, but also in cases of misleading advertising and with all those foods that They are not healthy, from sugary drinks to candy. And, as we have already said, children's eating habits are increasingly influenced by television and the habits of their peers.

Therefore, the invasion of negative food advertising in children's hours is a key point on which to act to put a brake. And even this advertising can spoil the example we can give parents or food education they receive at school.

The final conclusions of this study will be presented next December and will be transferred to the White Paper of the European Commission "Strategy on Overweight and Obesity", since Brussels intends to reformulate its strategy in 2010. We will be attentive to offer you more information about the influence between advertising and childhood obesity, certainly an important point to keep in mind. Another rooster would sing if, as we have ever said, fruits and vegetables were advertised with the same outlay as sweets and fast foods ...

Video: Top 10 causes of obesity in children - Boston Children's Hospital - Top 20 Health Challenges (July 2024).