Dads and moms blogs: weekly review

Like every week, we go back to take a walk through the net to bring you some interesting content that we have found in blogs written by moms and dads.

As we have done almost every weekend that happened, in Live with hope in the future They tell us that they have begun to prepare Christmas by decorating the house. But more interesting than telling it with words is teaching it through a very cool virtual photo album that they have prepared. As a fact, it includes a link to make beautiful Christmas cards.

In the blog Diary of a 'modern' super mommy They have pink news. The author of the blog announces with a beautiful song by Serrat and Sabina that she will be the mother for the second time of a girl named Lucia. !! Congratulations!!

Just as in Babies and more we commented that breastfeeding reduces the risk of breast cancer, in Lola-talparacual They remind us that breastfeeding prevents childhood obesity with very interesting links to be better informed on the subject.

An idea that I found hilarious that I have seen in Parent Hacks is to make the list of gifts with photos (in English). You have to go to the toy store with the child so that he "chooses" the toys he likes best and in a "click" we have the list made.

Regarding Christmas gifts and coinciding with what Eva had in How to avoid the advance of gifts, in Diary of a pediatrician motherAmelia Arce wonders if we control ourselves by buying toys? An issue in which, taking advantage of the holidays, parents have much to reflect.

Finally, on the subject of home schooling, which we have also talked about extensively in the blog, in The option to homeschool They have published a very interesting post about Another school is possible with good data for those who consider this possibility for the education of their children.

Until next time!