Toxic masculinity: why we should avoid transmitting it to our children

"The boys don't cry" Y "those things are not children, do not be a ladybug"are some of the sexist phrases that children have been told for a long time, following those traditional stereotypes that all they achieve is to repress them and make them feel bad.

Now, the American Psychological Association (APA), warns about how harmful traditional masculinity can be, a toxic masculinity that we don't want to convey to our children.

The report: "traditional masculinity" affects and damages children and men

Through a report that establishes the guidelines or guidelines for psychological care for men and boys, the APA has decided to prevent us from continuing to perpetuate that "ideology of masculinity", citing within said document more than 40 years of studies and research in this regard.

According to the APA, it has been proven that the ideology of "traditional masculinity" limits the psychological development of men and restricts their behavior, resulting in tension and gender role conflicts, as well as negatively affect your physical and mental health.

By "ideology of masculinity," the APA refers to "a particular constellation of standards that have prevailed over large segments of the population, which include: anti-feminism, realization, avoidance of an appearance of weakness, risk of adventure and violence".

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According to the report, stick to the norms of such thoughts about masculinity it can cause children to suppress their emotions and hide their anguish, as well as favoring the appearance of aggressive behaviors and diminishing their willingness to seek help.

Further, This could lead to other negative characteristics such as homophobia and be a path to sexual harassment, bullying and violence towards other people and even towards themselves in the latter case.

And although many of the characteristics of traditional masculinity are based on absurd stereotypes like those that say men should be strong and should not cry, the APA encourages the preservation of those who are positive, such as leadership and courage (that we also have women, of course).

Why we should prevent our children from growing up with that toxic masculinity

After sharing the general information of the report I think that it is not necessary to go deep into explaining why these stereotypes of masculinity hurt and we must prevent the next generations from growing up surrounded by them.

There are dozens of cases of bullying against children who have tragic endings, and all because they didn't fit with those ridiculous sexist stereotypes, making them a mockery or harassment by their partners, until they can no longer bear it.

Not only is it alarming to see how far the bullying that these children receive can go, but it is extremely worrying to know that it begins at an early age, because according to one study, bullying is gestated in the infant stage, although it begins to develop in primary .

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what can we do as parents? Act. Let's stop saying that bullying is a children's thing and turn the other way, because it is not, it is not a children's thing, it is everyone's business. Of course, the ideal is not to stop bullying but to educate our children since before it appears. And here is where to prevent this toxic masculinity from happening to the next generation.

Fortunately, today we are more people who are against perpetuating these sexist stereotypes, as we saw a long time ago when men with and without children came out in defense of actor Daniel Craig when a presenter wanted to make fun of his masculinity for carrying his baby.

Let us educate our sons and daughters in positive values, that make them be brave people, but also feel free to express their emotions, validating their feelings and supporting them through love, empathy, respect and understanding. Thus, they will also be understanding, tolerant and kind to others.

Photos | iStock
Via | Los Angeles Times

Video: Violence against womenit's a men's issue: Jackson Katz at TEDxFiDiWomen (July 2024).