The sudden paternity of Cristiano Ronaldo

You are going to allow me that Sunday and summer Sunday I get a little poprosera and talk about the notion that the press amazed us a few days ago about fatherhood by surprise of a famous footballer. Cristiano Ronaldo has been a father as well, suddenly.

I say suddenly because it was not known that I would be a dad, and his current partner has not shown signs of being pregnant at any time. Well, the creature has left somewhere, you will think, and evidently has had a mother who has gestated it and given birth.

But before going to the details, let's see the official statement with which Ronaldo announced the good news:

With great joy and emotion I inform you that I have recently become the father of a child. As agreed with the baby's mother, who prefers to maintain her identity in anonymity, my son will be under my exclusive guardianship. No further information on this subject will be provided and I ask everyone to fully respect my right to my privacy (and that of the child) at least on such personal matters as this one.

Everything seems to indicate that it has been a case of rent belly, which as you know is legal in some countries of the world. Not in Portugal, where the soccer player is from, so it seems that Ronaldo moved to the United States to take the necessary steps to be a father.

The woman would be an American she hired last year after a vacation in Florida when she was visiting fertility clinics, I imagine that with the idea of ​​being a father.

Although they tell us that the mother prefers to remain anonymous, I imagine that in the surrogacy contract the clauses would be very clear and Ronaldo himself, in a world in which week if week also appears to him old supposed lovers, he will have wanted to leave that point closed by a check book.

Another issue that is being criticized (and not surprisingly) is the fact that Cristiano Ronaldo has gone on vacation with his girlfriend leaving his baby with the family. Either it seems to me or that is not to realize too much of fatherhood or their responsibilities.

I can hardly imagine any recent mother or father leaving your baby a few weeks in the hands of others To go on vacation. The same in search of reconciliation with his girlfriend, who seems to know nothing about this paternity project and has been speechless after knowing that her boyfriend has gone from single millionaire soccer player to single millionaire soccer player dad.

On the other hand, I wonder if the barbarity of money that some celebrities possess will make them think that they can have it all at the checkbook without really valuing neither what they want nor what they have. Leaving aside that not all citizens of other less favored social classes can bear the high costs of such a process.

I do not say that a rich man deserves less than another to realize his wishes (in this case of paternity), but it may be that if the path is flat, the objective is not really valued or reflected on the implications of achieving those desires or true motivation of these. And, as in each case, also in this case we should not ask

  • Does Cristiano Ronaldo deserve to be a father?
  • Does the baby deserve to have a father or a mother who tries to be the best, take care of him and take care of them?

I think so, that the baby deserves it, because he does not understand books, rentals, millions, famous parents or vacations without them. Y the sudden paternity of Cristiano Ronaldo It gives a lot to think to those who do not understand too much of those things.

Video: Man Named Baby, But Denies Paternity Full Episode. Paternity Court (July 2024).