A couple of black parents have a white baby

These days we are talking a lot about this news, because of the strange thing about what happened. A couple of black parents have had a white girl.

When I read the news right away I thought that it was an albino girl, a situation that occurs more often among black people than white, however, experts have ruled out that it is albino and therefore they have come to say that what happened goes against of the laws of genetics.

The parents, Ben and Angela, are of Nigerian origin, although they live in Britain and are really surprised by what happened. Have a white girl, blonde and with blue eyes and they have no ancestry in which a crossbreeding has occurred.

The mother says her daughter "She is beautiful and I love her, her color doesn't matter. She is a miracle baby, but still, what the hell happened here?". The father for his part admits that he joked to see the girl asking the mother: "It's mine?".

The experts, after ruling out that it is an albino girl and after showing that the girl's father is, in effect, Ben, have concluded that it is some unknown genetic mutation.

The parents have named him Nmachi, which means "the beauty of God."

Before this news there are several fronts of debate that can be initiated. On the one hand, the lack of ancestry in which a crossbreeding has occurred can be called into question. It is difficult to know for sure if the great-grandfather or the great-grandfather was white or black, just as it is difficult to demonstrate, for example, that Angela's grandfather, the girl's mother, was really her father's biological father.

On the other hand, it is possible that it really is a genetic mutation that, as some people are commenting (I don't know if with much or little success), is not so unknown. Can it be denied that the white race could come from a genetic mutation like this? It gives thought, right?

Video: White Parents Who Raise Black Children (April 2024).