Five iPhone applications for pregnant women

To future moms more techies You will love these tools that can accompany you in the sweet wait.

They are five iPhone applications for pregnant women, some also compatible with other Apple devices, which contain tips, calendars, guides, a record of visits to the doctor and detailed information on the development of the baby and the changes of the mother throughout pregnancy.

They can also give you a hand in the search for the name, control the baby's kicks and when the time comes, make a complete monitoring of the contractions.

After the jump, you will find the five applications for pregnant women.

1) Your pregnancy Week by Week

Contains Weekly information on the pregnancy of the baby and the first days of life. It is a guide on the changes experienced by women and babies over 9 months.

It allows you to keep a calendar with prenatal controls and keep friends and family members aware of the news of pregnancy through social networks.

Your pregnancy Week by Week is available for iPhone and iPod touch in Spanish and English and costs 2.39 euros.

2) iPregnancy

It is one of the applications best valued by users, but is available only in English.

It contains detailed information week by week, month by month and by quarters of the evolution of the baby. It also provides information about changes in the mother and father.

It includes a follow-up of visits to the doctor with the option of entering the baby's weight, tension and heart rate. It allows, like the previous one, to save photos of the pregnancy follow-up.

It also incorporates a list with a thousand baby names. It is integrated to Facebook and Twitter.

iPregnancy is available in English for iPhone. It costs 2.99 euros.

3) Name

If you have not decided yet baby's name, this application can give you a hand in the search. It contains a wide list of names in all languages, from several countries, some very extravagant, but it is another source to go to in search of original names.

Name is a free application in Spanish, English and French available for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad.

4) Contraction Master

A useful application for the end of pregnancy that allows you to carry detailed control of contractions. It can be sent to the doctor or saved as a record for the next visit.

It marks the beginning and the end of each contraction, the time that has lasted and the frequency of the contractions. Make a follow-up chart with the dates and times you had contractions.

Contraction Master is available only in English for iPhone and iPod Touch for 0.79 euros.

5) Nine Months

It is similar to the previous one, but it also allows you to mark the intensity of the contractions, erase them and keep an average of their duration.

It also incorporates the possibility of making a baby movement tracking Inside the gut for an hour.

Nine Months is available in English for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. It costs 0.79 euros.