Dads and moms blogs (LIII)

As every week, we review some of the content that we can find in the moms and dads blogs. Through the eyes of other parents we share feelings, experiences and reflections on life with their children.

We start by How not to be a drama mom, a blog that I just discovered and I loved it, in which its author makes an ingenious compilation of the "drama tips" that her mother gave her. In "Baby, as you fall, I give you above" reminds us of one of the phrases that will have marked the childhood of many of you. It only limits the ability to discover the freedom of children, even if they are sometimes harmed.

Radically changing from third, in A different motherhood They talk about the primary function of the breasts, referring to the revolution that came together in the network in rejection of Facebook's censorship of the photo of a Chilean mother breastfeeding her baby. Eloísa joins the anti-censorship movement by changing her profile picture and inviting others to do so by changing it to the breastfeeding logo.

In I mother (more than a mom), the mother of estanjanito (yes, he calls it) tells us in a very funny way in Pis! that your little one does not even know when he is peeing. Feeling the need is one of the pre-sphincter control, but it is very normal that when you take off the diaper they feel "free" and get over it.

About the introduction of solid foods and Baby Led Weaning, Sandra speaks in Go, if it's mom!. In The papilla is over, the obfuscation is over tells us that your little one has begun to be interested in eating in small pieces and is delighted to experience new sensations with food. In this case, thanks to a wise advice from his mother.

Finally, Sarai in ECOnomic baby recommends The best remedies to calm Infant Colic: Contact, Movement and Support for mothers, three very valuable tips to deal with one of the disorders of the newborn that most baffles parents. Calm and understanding in these cases is essential for the well-being of the baby.

This is what we found this week in the moms and dads blogs. Next week we will return with the review of those we usually visit and some new discoveries.

Video: Sword Of Truth Channel Name (May 2024).