Chronicle of the first school year

It seems that it was yesterday when the kids and their mothers or fathers crammed at the doors of the school with uncertainty, fear, emotion, enthusiasm ... But now the first school year has concluded of these children who in nine months have made an impressive change.

My oldest daughter's first school year has flown by. In fact, the second one is about to start (well, well, let's not be alarmed, there are still vacations ...).

From his first excited day in which I think he did not understand very well what was "the school" until the end of the day, everything has passed a cycle of evolution, discoveries, and especially good times with teachers and friends.

The first days were confusing, she did not understand why many children cried at the door of the school, did not want to enter. At that time, I think we had a worse time than she did, that every day she was excited about school and we were a little surprised by what they wanted to know about our daughter in school. There should also be an adaptation period for parents.

Very few days throughout the course the little one did not want to go to school, and in general coinciding with pre-illness states. But I almost always looked forward to it.

Mar has learned a lot throughout these months. Every quarter I was surprised by their "booklets" of activities. Recognize letters and numbers, colors, geometric shapes ...

But above all he has learned to care for and appreciate his new friends, as well as a lot of music and "physical education", many songs and melodies accompanied by their gestures, exercises and games that were showing us some days and that added to our songs and our family games.

He showed us his experiences some days, those in which he wanted to talk, because if I missed something, it is that my daughter told me more about what she did every day at school. The "I don't remember" has been his answer for many days, which did not make me throw in the towel to find out more or to think that if I didn't remember it, it had been uninteresting.

The events that have taken place throughout the course, have waited (and we) with impatience and enthusiasm. He has disguised himself, he has danced, he has sung, has prepared surprises for daddies ...

The worst, apart from the many hours they spend in school, the disappearance of the nap and the fatigue accumulated over a few days, maybe it has been that on a couple of occasions the teacher wanted to talk to me because Mar had " misbehaved. "

Nothing too important, things of her age (escaping to play the bathroom, throwing the paintings in an anger ...) that we talked a lot with the teacher and with her, although it was not much needed because she knew that she was not well and wanted the Professor and parents were happy. Mar looked very sorry when Miss wanted to talk to us ...

Soon I will continue with the funniest things of the school, the excursions, parties and everything that the parents did for the first school year, helping the little one and having fun at home and in class.