73 percent of our readers believe that Social Security should cover home births: survey results

Following the request of a group of people who claim the option of having a home birth supported by the Spanish Social Security, we have launched a Baby survey and more to know your opinion about it better.

We have asked if you agree with this complaint and a total of 192 responses that we have received, 73 percent of our readers believe that Social Security should cover home births.

Among the arguments that have been in favor, it has been said that home births are safe if accompanied by a competent professional, unnecessary interventions would be minimized and a lot of health expenditure would be saved, something that in this time of crisis and cuts It should be taken into account.

But fundamentally, the main argument in which those who voted for "Yes" coincide is that women should have the option of choosing how, where and with whom they want to give birth.

I leave some of the answers in favor of Social Security covering home births:

Because if I pay taxes like everyone else, but I don't make that expense in public health, theirs is that they can provide me with the equivalent in my house. I am delighted to pay taxes so that we all enjoy universal assistance, but if they then ask me to pay my birth 'apart', it seems to me to make me pay twice for the same. I do not ask for more services: only that the service changes place.
Because we have the right as women to defend that moment so private, so unique in our lives and so intimate, it is something sexual that should occur in a completely comfortable environment for the future mother, an environment that she can choose without so many interventions and protocols, as natural as possible. That it can be at home, in the nest, because it gives a peace of mind that a hospital can hardly achieve, apart from that it would be a less cost in health and hospital. We all win.

On the other hand, among the opinions against Social Security covering home births, which has been 23 percent, it has been said that Social Security must pay for a universal health service, so specific care is the decision of each one and must be paid by each one.

They have also commented who voted for "No" that there are other priorities for Social Security, such as reducing waiting lists for operations or covering dental care, and that a complicated delivery at home could cause more expenses (ambulances, UVI) What if it happened directly in the hospital.

I leave some of the answers against:

The possible savings derived from not using a delivery room is negligible when thinking about the dangers, both for the baby and for the mother, that would exist if they were not in a hospital in case of complications in childbirth. In addition, there are much more necessary things, such as covering dental fillings or glasses.
Due to the impossibility of resolving serious complications if they occur. In a hospital there will be many differences to give birth at home, but if something serious happens, they can try to solve it as soon as possible and with the necessary material.

Thanks to everyone for participating!

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