Can you reach childbirth without knowing you're pregnant?

If they asked you if It is possible to reach the birth without knowing that you are pregnant surely most would answer no. But a few days ago the case of a woman who, while in the pool, gave birth to her daughter in the bathroom jumped to the media and says she never suspected pregnancy.

And it is not the first case we read in this regard. In Babies and more we have already told ourselves the story of other women who explained it after an unexpected birth. And, like yours, our first reaction is stupor and even distrust.

However, although there are cases in which there may be some ignorance or picaresque, the truth is that some of these cases are real. This is a problem that in France, for example, is the subject of debate thanks to the French Association for the recognition of the Denial of Pregnancy, an issue that has not been pronounced, which I could discover, medical associations but that if they defend as real some specialists.

The Denial of Pregnancy would be, according to this thesis, a psychological process by which the woman does not recognize the symptoms of pregnancy or even does not present them: she does not get fat, she has the rule and when she has discomfort she is intrusive to health problems that occur with belly or lumbar pains. Their own partners and the environment do not perceive it in some cases either.

In some extreme cases, such as the one that has motivated my reflection, the woman arrives at childbirth without being aware of her pregnancy status, although in others the doctor or herself becomes suspicious with the pregnancy already advanced. The most serious cases can lead to a psychotic crisis or denial of birth, and even, in the most terrible, the death of the baby due to lack of care or homicide.

Frankly, I would not know how to take a clear position on this issue and its scope, but I promise to continue investigating and clarify, if possible, the questions that I ask and those that you transmit to us in your comments, with a Spanish specialist who can shed light on the Denial of Pregnancy and clarify the reasons why A woman can reach childbirth without knowing she is pregnant.