Outdoor gymnastics with your baby

I found this great example that shows us, in a video, how to do outdoor gymnastics with our baby.

This is a course conducted by a French company called Fitness Plein Air, but I think it can give many good ideas to moms who want to stay fit but do not want to separate from their children to go to the gym.

The idea is tempting. A group of moms gather in the park. They take their young children and their babies in the cart. They talk to each other, which is very important so that moms do not feel isolated and can share experiences, and at the same time, they can exercise while still with the children.

It is not necessary to leave them with a caregiver, they may be watching them themselves, and even children are encouraged to participate in some activities.

It is important to note that it is advisable to do these exercises after three months of childbirth and that, even, in the course they ask for a medical certificate, so it would be good to ask your doctor for advice about the convenience of doing what they show us. And you always have to keep in mind that in postpartum, the return to exercise should be gradual.

It is not necessary to know French to enjoy the video and maybe to get some ideas to make your own group, or, ultimately, practice exercises taking children for a walk. What is a great idea?

Video | Fitness Plein Air In Babies and more | Tips for resuming exercise after childbirth, Postpartum exercises for the pelvic floor

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