'Rupture of the couple': guide to face the separation without harming the children

Children are one of the biggest concerns of parents who decide to separate. To try to help the family in this difficult trance has been edited 'Rupture of the couple', a guide to face separation without harming children.

Sometimes the separations become painful processes for all parties, where those who suffer most end up being the most vulnerable, the little ones.

The guide has been edited by the Ombudsman for Children of the Community of Madrid and prepared by the psychologist José Manuel Aguilar Cuenca. Through it, it is intended to provide parents with guidelines and advice to deal with the situation in a respectful manner and assuming that the emotional stability of their children is the first thing to preserve.

It deals, among other things, with the feelings of children, parents, how family life changes, how to tell children and the importance of transmitting them that the decision they have made does not affect at all the love you feel for them.

It is essential to rely on family and friends, and fundamentally, maintain a relationship of understanding with the couple, since it inevitably benefits the children.

It is also responsible for mentioning that the behavior of the little ones can change before the separation of the parents, especially with regard to food, sleep, homework or compliance with the rules.

The separation of the parents is a painful situation for the children, and we are the adults responsible for containing them and avoiding damages and negative consequences.

'Rupture of the couple', guide to face it without harming children It seems to be an interesting help. It can be downloaded for free at this link (pdf)