Strollering: stroller races, the latest in exercises with the baby

We have talked about great initiatives of moms moving with the baby, such as pilates classes with the baby. Now recent moms who want to get in shape have a new activity: strollering, fast walk with baby stroller (baby included, of course), accompanied with different exercises in a park.

This weekend, the first baby carriage race for women who want to take place in different cities of the Czech Republic do sports in the company of your children, something that surely many of you have already done, although here many mothers and their little ones gather to do the exercise.

And there is no excuse to be on the move when the children arrive, and doing so in their company is an increasingly followed option. Thus, even the baby carriage can be an excellent tool for sports, especially for moms, but also some dads are encouraged.

Jumping or running next to the stroller is very fun for both moms and toddlers and greatly improves physical and psychological condition. This sporting activity is known in English-speaking countries as "strollering", a term that comes from the word stroller, 'baby carriage' in English.

A park, a path, a path (simple enough not to take boats with the cart) are suitable places for outdoor exercise, and apart from running (or walking quickly) with the stroller you can do different exercises, also with the baby in her arms.

This promotes blood circulation, helps strengthen the muscles of the back, abdomen and legs and burn calories. A great way to get in shape with your children in a fun and effective way.

Strollering, sport walks with the baby carriage They have been organized in the Czech Republic for a year and are spread in other parts of the world. Don't say you don't feel like it, now that spring is just around the corner ...