Mexican children create a video to ask politicians for real solutions to the problems that plague the country

The crisis, corruption, kidnappings, robberies, violence in general that exists in Mexico has been recreated by children in a video that has almost two million views on YouTube and more of ten million on your website.

Looking at next elections convened in the country for this year 2012 and apparently tired of seeing that politicians and authorities prefer to ignore the serious problems that Mexico suffers, have created a citizens movement tired of the events and have prepared this amazing and chilling video, encouraging the rest of their fellow citizens through social networks to send their images, recordings and opinions about the current situation in the country.

He social movement is called: Our Mexico of the Future and has no national precedent. They have summoned all Mexicans to express their vision of the Mexico in which they would like to live.

This movement created by the Mexicans, has managed to get the attention of millions of people who have already seen the video, and who seek to change the direction of the country. From all this a compilation book called: The Decree of Our Mexico of the Future, which will be delivered to Presidential candidates 2012.

In the video, the four candidates, who are mentioned by their first name, are asked to work and change the country, not to go just for the chair. At the end of it, a girl sentences: If this is the future that awaits me, I don't want it. Stop working for your parties and not for us. Stop to fix the country by little above. Doña Josefina, Don Andrés Manuel, Don Enrique, Don Gabriel, time is up, Mexico has already reached the bottom. "

The reality is that citizens of many countries, including Spain, we are disenchanted with our political class because they ask us for efforts without setting an example.

We recommend that you watch this video that demonstrates the degree of disappointment that is lived with the rulers of Mexico. The trend has to change, if we continue along that line it is possible that it will be extended to other countries, and perhaps to Spain as well.

Video: Illegal Immigration: It's About Power (July 2024).