Diary of my third “pregnancy”: the day of delivery

After introducing you to Guim a few days ago and promising you some lines explaining more details of the moment, today I will talk about childbirth. I will not go into too many details, because there are not too many details to enter into. Let's say that, in short, it was the birth that any couple would want (more or less, that some would want to give birth without realizing anything and it wasn't like that either).

On the morning of March 22, I prepared to go to work while also dressing the elder, who was already awake at about seven in the morning. Miriam told me from the sink that I was pouring the mucous plug, something I had not done with either of the two previous deliveries.

Minutes later he began to feel contractions, one after another, and broke waters. Nor in previous births had it broken waters, so it was another novelty for us. The contractions happened every 2-3 minutes, time in which I did what I could to finish preparing and finish preparing the children (quite stressful about dressing in installments and leaving the children ready for when my mother-in-law came, running from one side to another to get to time to massage Miriam's back during contractions).

After an hour at home we went to the hospital

At half past eight in the morning Miriam's mother arrived and we went to the hospital. It is said that the ideal is that one wait at home as long as possible to go dilating and not arrive too soon to the hospital, at the risk of being knocked down and stopping your delivery, but in our case, the contractions were so continuous and so intense that it was seen that the thing was serious (I crouched more than once to see if the child crowned, because he did not remember these contractions at home and yes in the hospital when Aran was about to be born).

We arrived at about 8:45 at the parking lot and it took us a little while to get to the maternity floor because the contractions were even more constant. Finally we arrived (she told me that she would not be able to arrive), they welcomed us, took a look and said: “It will be born now”.

At 09:41 minutes he was with us

And the "will be born now" was really a "will be born now." I was asked for the pregnant woman's card and the latest tests, they dressed me in some leggings, a robe and a hat and Miriam, well, she took off her clothes in the maternity hall (where only midwives and their partners enter) staying naked because everything bothered him. He gave them more trouble than Miriam and they made her go to the delivery room to "isolate" her nakedness.

I entered with her and after a few bids and squeezes, after not arriving in time to say "now for" at the time he was leaving, so that it was not too traumatic for his perineum, Guim was born. Fortunately, Despite the initial scare, there was no tear or injury (My wife, of course, full of happiness for having had 3 children and for not having suffered any episiotomy or tear).

And at ten to ten, like who gets up without knowing what to do and decides to give birth without finding anyone in the queue were Miriam, Guim and I in the maternity hall, waiting to be escorted to the room.

The dream birth

When people ask me what the delivery was like, I always say the same thing: if we get to plan it doesn't work out better. She slept peacefully all night. He got up having rested ready for a new day and suddenly went into labor. Her mother stayed with the children at home, ready to spend the day with them and surprised that an hour later we told her that she was already born.

I carried in my bag cookies and things to sting during the day and separate as little as possible from it, but it was not necessary because it was not a matter of hours, but of “time”.

At twelve or so, with everything already in place, the first papers arranged, Miriam Quiet and the boy sucking, I went to look for Guim's brothers to meet him. Come on Four hours after we left home, the five of us were together again.

If I ever had to have another child I would choose to be the same as this time. But no, I will not have more (although people encourage me to go find the girl, because of course, this time "we have failed").

Video: Active management of the third stage of labour (July 2024).