Give me life 500 and the donation for the sale of the Huecco album allows distributing balls that give light to needy families

Two years ago we talked about sOccket, a project that aimed to convert soccer balls into energy generators mainly in areas with very limited resources and where football fans can become an important asset.

Apparently the witness of the project, as he heard today on the radio, has taken the Huecco singer, which through the project Give me Life-sOccket He has won 500 balls to take to children in Haiti and Benin in Africa. It is part of the collection obtained by the sale of Huecco records and specifically the work that illustrates the article with that video full of players from several countries, including Spain with its World Champion selection and sports disciplines such as football, tennis or basketball.

The balls, which apparently have ceased to be prototype and are already a reality, are made 95% with recyclable materials, do not puncture and therefore you can always play with them. further for every six hours of play they are able to produce one hour of light through LED devices.

The singer explained on the radio that what families currently use to enlighten are kerosene lamps So the progress is incredible. The singer has also commented that the creators of the ball are working on systems that make the water drinkable. This initiative will surely be published soon on the web Uncharted Play, which I see has changed since the original Soccket and has also lost some of the founders incorporating new sap and presenting a serious business project.

It is an example of how creativity, passion and drive has managed to create a company that builds useful resources for needy families and also has the participation and collaboration of Huecco and many Spanish athletes.