There are 20,000 teachers left over ?: the question of the week

Wednesdays is the day we invite you to respond our question of the week and, also, we compiled the answers to that of the previous week.

This week I ask your opinion on a topic related to the education of children in school. I admit that I do not watch news but this news has certainly impacted me and I have seen it repeated in many links. The Minister of Education recently declared that there are 20,000 teachers left over.

I do not think it is the only one that has impacted this vision of the educational needs of our country, but I would like to know your opinions and assess if anyone can provide me with information that supports this statement, so this week's question is precisely this:

Are there 20,000 teachers left?

And it is not that I am an enthusiast of the education system, but because of its shortcomings, and precisely reducing the teaching staff, training, investment or infrastructure seems to me the best way to make it even worse. The truth is that I had to go find if this was true and yes, it seems that if, in the opinion of the head of Education in Spain, things would be better organized with 20,000 less teachers.

Last week's question

Last week we asked you: if you are with your children while they are doing medical tests and now we are going to review the most voted answers in this regard.

The answer that has had more votes has been that of Judith1982 and the truth is that it has been very exciting to read it.

I am always with my son Jan in his tests and medical visits. I have to say that seen the seen, I've been lucky. I can't imagine leaving my 10-month-old son alone while a route is channeled, probed or tested like CUMS. My son was born with a bilateral hydronephrosis that was detected in the third trimester of pregnancy, that led me to want him to be born in Sant Joan de Déu (in my opinion, the best children's hospital in Catalonia). Since he was born they did not separate him from me for a second, we were admitted for a week and all the revisions they made were made with me in front of him. The only test that I could not go (I was not very well after a hard birth with forceps and many points ...) let my husband go. Then we had to go to the emergency room twice for urinary infections (always in Sant Joan de Déu) and they have let my husband and me with Jan, at all times, while they probed him, while they examined him, ALWAYS. We had to do some very unpleasant test when I was two months in the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona (Sant Joan de Déu sent us there because the nuclear medicine machines only have them there), and I have to say that the treatment was incredible, they left me Entering with Jan, unfortunately it was very difficult to find a vein to be able to administer the contrast, they punctured him many times, immobilized him to be able to do the test and also had to be still for 40 minutes (yes, yes ... a two-month-old baby who is terrified), but the nurses gave her babysitters, turned off the light, gave me a stool to get on and breastfeed and so reassure my son, and as I said everyone behaved great because they also had me that reassuring and helping me, they encouraged me to get on the stretcher in incredible positions to breastfeed, they gave me the security that I was missing, being a first-time mother, seeing my son suffer horrors, I could only cry, yes, yes ... cry like never before, and they encouraged me and ended up leaving us alone until the test was over. I remember it horrible, because of the bad time we both had, but thanks to the treatment they gave us, I think Jan had the best time he could, with his mother and with people who respected us, and me too. I do not want to imagine that they would not have let me in, nor it crossed my mind. Therefore, I reiterate what I said at the beginning, seen what I have seen, I have been very lucky.

We remind you that this week's question is already prepared in our Answers section. Answer that link, so we can collect your answers and other readers, vote them, as we do every Wednesday in the section of the question of the week.

In Babies and more | the question of the week

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