MAMa LibRo, an online bookstore specializing in family themes

Today we want to talk about a space where you will surely find many interesting books. mAMa LibRo is an online bookstore specializing in family themes, from children's literature to works on pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, parenting, education, adoption, babies, leisure and family cooking ...

His name, MMA LibRo, plays with the words, 'mama' and 'mama', because books are suckled since childhood, especially from the voice of mom (but also dad):

Our goal is to make the book a link between parents and children, or grandparents and grandchildren, ultimately an element of rapprochement between people; and in this way transmit the pleasure for reading from the earliest childhood.

Stories, essays, manuals, illustrated albums, art books for children ... a multitude of titles related to the world of the family and a special section, "Africa", designed for those families that are in the process of adoption in that continent, or for who is already back with their children and want to find books where they can be reflected.

mAMa LibRo, the online bookstore specializing in family themes It also has a section of varied products for babies and children, clothing, decoration, accessories ... from shoes to vinyl.

Official Site | Mamalibro In Babies and more | Bookstore for children El Dragón Lector, LibroBebés, an online store specializing in children's books

Video: The Book of Job (July 2024).