Juana Rivas refuses to give up her children again: she has denounced her ex-partner in Italy for mistreating her youngest son

We have just met a new chapter in the Juana Rivas case, which we have been following since the summer of 2017 when the mother fled with her children to avoid giving them to her ex-partner. Today we know, as published by Público, that Juana Rivas has decided not giving their 12 and four year old children to their ex-partner this past Sunday as agreed between the two after denouncing him in Italy for mistreating his youngest son.

Report of abuse to your minor child

Last Friday, the mother picked up the children from the hands of the father, Francisco Arcuri, to spend the weekend with them. It was that day when he discovered that his young son Daniel had a bruise on his back.

The two children explained to the mother that the injury was caused by his father when, "angry" because the youngest of the children did not fall asleep, insulted him and pushed him hard against the irons of the bed and then, taking him by the armpits he threw him into the hallway hitting him against the wall and yelling insults like "disgusting", asshole "," I kill you "or" you are the result of your mother ", leaving him lying there, according to Public.

In Babies and more, Juana Rivas is sentenced to five years in prison and six years without exercising parental rights of her children

The mother did not hesitate to take him to the hospital to be recognized by the child. There they called the police who interviewed the children alone, without her or anyone else present, and drafted a complaint ex officio.

After the Juana hospital, she was taken with the children in a car to the police station, but “they did not take any notice of my complaint or the urgent protection measures that I immediately requested for my children. They only took note of my name and surname and little else, ”says the mother in a telephone interview with El Español.

Calls for urgent protection measures

Juana Rivas has asked the judge who is carrying out her case to launch urgent measures. He has also asked for help from a women's association in Cagliari.

“Today I have addressed a women's association because I feel very lonely and I have asked the judge to implement urgent measures and let me be with my children in a foster home so they are safe while everything is resolved,” He has told El Español.

In Babies and more Case Juana Rivas: The Hearing dictates that you have three days to deliver your children

The mother has filed a complaint on Sunday and has not returned her children to the father, but has the right to remain with the children seven consecutive days while in Italy, according to a ruling issued by the court of Cagliari, says the mother's defense .

This is the sixth complaint filed by the mother with the Italian police and prosecutor in the last year. In all of them denounces the continuing psychological and physical abuse of Arcuri towards his children and in all of them he has requested the implementation of urgent precautionary measures, which so far have not been addressed.

He has also sent a letter addressed to the General Directorate of Spaniards Abroad and of Consular and Migratory Affairs requesting that "an urgent measure of protection consisting of the immediate departure from his father, Mr. Arcuri, until it is resolved on the complaint filed. "

We will soon know how Juana Rivas continues, but it is a shame that the two children are going through such an unpleasant situation.

Video: The Jesus Film - Audio Arabic, Hassaniya + Subtitles (July 2024).