Monica Manrique: "to promote self-esteem in children, the ideal is to give them a positive and realistic image of themselves"

Monica Manrique is Degree in Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid. He has completed the Doctorate courses of the Psychology and Education Program at the Public University of Navarra and has obtained the Diploma of Advanced Studies at the Complutense University of Madrid within the Program "Research and development in clinical and health psychology" of the Department of Methodology of the Behavioral Sciences, which accredits the research proficiency in the area of ​​knowledge of Evolutionary and Educational Psychology. He also obtained the Certificate of Pedagogical Adaptation at the Institute of Education Sciences of the Complutense University.

Monica has been trained at the Official College of Psychologists, at the Center for Strategic Therapy, and at the International University of Valencia as a therapist and has taken several courses of the Teacher Training Program of the UNED. Apart from his work as a psychotherapist and advisor in different problems with children, adolescents, adults and couples, he has worked and works in other fields of psychology and education. He has participated in the educational project of the Picón del Jarama Center for Psychosocial Adaptation of the Madrid Institute for Children and the Family, training children with behavioral disorders, in situations of social risk, social skills, emotional control and values.

Why do daily conflicts arise in families between fathers and mothers and sons / daughters and how they can be solved

Conflicts are an inevitable part of life. It is impossible that we always agree. Moreover, in relationships where there are no conflicts, one is thinking for everyone, and that, yes, is dangerous. We have to learn to see the conflict as an opportunity to learn about oneself, know the other and improve the relationship. I would say that the most important thing when it comes to resolving a conflict is knowing how to listen and put yourself in the place of the other. It is also important to get rid of the head, that some will win and others will lose, because what usually happens is that we either win (when it is resolved well and with respect) or we lose all (when we hurt each other).

They can be the parents friends of the children or it is necessary to set limits on the relationship

Parents are parents and friends are friends. Parents have roles and responsibilities and friends are something else.

Children need limits, it gives them security and stability. We have to say NO firmly and without being aggressive, learn to act with an iron hand with a silk glove.

The parents are the ones who have to provide the child with what he needs for his correct development, although it does not always coincide with what he asks for. What has been said so far is not at odds, much less, with having a close, warm and trustful relationship with our children.

How can the children's self-esteem be enhanced and at what ages it is necessary to pay special attention

Self-esteem in children, as in any person, is built in a double way. On the one hand, through the image of ourselves that we return the eyes of others. And on the other, by overcoming small challenges. Thus, to promote self-esteem in children, the ideal is to give them a positive and realistic image of themselves, emphasizing their strengths. And in turn, give them the opportunity to improve themselves by giving them autonomy and relying on their abilities.

All ages are good to convey respect and acceptance.

How the workshops you do with parents work

I teach the workshops, especially in schools. They usually consist of an expository part through Power Point slides to expose the theoretical contents, fragments of films that illustrate the topics discussed, individual and group reflection on the theme being worked on and also, role play, games and dynamics to learn Practicing various skills. Each session usually lasts approximately one hour and thirty minutes.

Where can we find the work of Mónica Manrique

My professional career evolves along three axes more or less simultaneously:

  • Psychotherapy: From a short strategic approach, I help people overcome problems such as depression, panic attack, low self-esteem, blockages, family and work conflicts, anxiety, etc. Much of this content can be found in my blog
  • Training: Design and teach workshops on conflict resolution, emotional intelligence, teamwork, stress management, assertiveness, self-esteem, etc. in companies, NGOs, schools, Social Works ...
  • Divulgation: I am editor of the blog Parents in distress that can be followed through Twitter @padresenapuros and Facebook. I also collaborate periodically with TipKids magazine and with Practicopedia. I am also part of the team of experts of a new social network, which will be released soon, called Dontknow dedicated to helping people make decisions.

So far the interview with Monica Manrique to which we thank the attention and to which we congratulate because maintains a great disseminating activity. He is giving training courses in different skills such as communication, motivation, personal and professional development, emotional intelligence, public speaking skills, education, stress management, social skills, training of trainers and Schools of Fathers and Mothers. We hope that the interview has been of interest so that we can all contribute to improving relations with our children.

Video: MONICA MANRIQUE (July 2024).