Basic Decalogue to massage the baby (and not die trying)

They tell us and repeat that massages are ideal for babies, that stimulate their senses and strengthen ties with mom or dad, apart from many other benefits. But we don't know how to do them or where to start, or we think it will be too complicated ... Here I present a basic decalogue to massage the baby.

Or to be more concrete, give a massage to the baby and not die trying, because it depends on how we approach this wonderful practice can throw us the shot through the butt and make the moment of massage is anything but relaxed.

Let's see how we have to set the mood, what is the best time, how to place the baby, how to massage ... but without magic formulas, just tips to facilitate the practice of infant massage, which will not work for everyone.

  • So the first tip and the one we should never forget is that we have patience and that we don't give up at the first, because we may be missing something magical; But if the massage does not go well and still does not go well no matter how hard you try, it will be because the baby does not like it and none will enjoy it, so it is more advisable to devote to other activities that you really like.
  • It is impossible to generalize regarding the question of what is the best time for massage. For some children it will be before bedtime, for others later, in the morning, afternoon or evening ... and there are those babies who do not seem to care when. It depends on the routines of each family, after bathing it is usually a good time, that is if the baby has liked the bath (and is not sleepy, or hungry ...). The important thing is to try different moments to know when the baby enjoys the massage more. But always trying when we feel like it, because most likely, if we are tired or in a bad mood, we transmit it to the baby.
  • Speaking of tranquility, we come to the third tip: noises or a cold environment can agitate the baby, we must ensure a warm environment in which the baby is not cold (not hot), a quiet environment or with relaxed ambient music, humming a song, talking with whispers ...
  • The baby has to be comfortable, better on a smooth, firm but not hard surface, and if we have the right temperature it can be naked or with a diaper to avoid the typical “escapes” of when they are so comfortable.

  • The caresses or "tickles" They are a good way to start a massage, with very clean and dry hands. A gentle massage to start, after rubbing our hands if they are cold (it is not pleasant to be massaged with icy hands at the moment) and even if it is properly a "massage" we must intensify the pressure of the caresses.
  • Pour a body lotion in your hands (oil, cream) for massage is optional, we may not want the baby's skin to be so hydrated, or to have delicate skin and react ... In any case, if we choose an oil, it must be special for sensitive skin, for babies.
  • Regarding the types of massages, we can try several combinations. There is a simple massage, ideal for beginners, based on three movements: rotate the joints, make them vibrate, tighten and release. With the right force, gently, we can start with gentle rotations (following the same direction, that of the hands of the clock for example) in the ankles and go to the knees, arms and wrists. We can also gently shake the joints after each rotary cycle and finally gently tighten the joints. In this way the circulation and oxygenation of the body is favored.
  • You can also do a massage starting with the baby's head and face, caressing it, and going down the shoulders and arms more intensely, going to the chest and abdomen and finally going down the legs to the feet.
  • When we have done one of these routes (or both) along the front, we try to focus on baby's back, turning it upside down. The movements should be equally smooth and slow, with the fingertips we can massage the back in circular movements, and the sense must be from the inside to the sides and from top to bottom. After having massaged with the fingers we can slightly increase the intensity and the surface massaged with the palm of the hands, firmly and gently at the same time.
  • We have been mentioning at all times "firmly", "softly" ... Where is that boundary between what is strong in excess and what is firm but soft? On a scale, down in intensity will never be harmful (although we do not convey all the benefits of massage to the baby), but up we can harm you, so you have to be careful. If the baby complains, we are probably exceeding the intensity of the massage, and we have to reduce the pressure.

I wish this Decalogue of tips for massaging the baby serve you to really enjoy it and discover that magical world of stimulation and contact. And if not, at least you will have tried, what is clear is that there are many other ways to spend good times with the baby and make him feel good and relaxed.

Photos | Flickr - valentinapowers, miss pupick
In Babies and more | The baby does not like massages, Video: the benefits of massages, Learn to touch the baby, children's massages

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