Summary of the week from November 7 to 13 in Peques y Más

I will start our weekly summary recognizing that the Christmas spirit is trying to sneak into Peques and Más, so while we decide whether or not to let him in, we have already started talking about gifts, toys and illusion. Over here we have had time to browse the catalogs of Toysrus and Toy Planet, present the exclusive gifts of Achica and present the forecasts of purchases of toys in the next Christmas.

But to have a good Christmas party, first you have to prepare them, we go in parts, before Advent comes, and as usual in our blog, we are very excited to choose the best format, so we have loved these lovely proposals. And since we talk about crafts, and taking into account that we are still in Autumn, don't you want to collect fallen leaves to create beautiful collages with animal shapes? Now let's leave parties and gifts, there will be time for it later, I propose take a look at the interview that we could do to José Montero of the educational institution Thamer. Also on education is this reflection of Marcos about the fact that education in Spain should favor the learning of mathematics, and also that children think for themselves.

We continue with education (although outside the classroom) to catch up with the new DGT campaign to ensure safety in school transport, and to tell our readers that way to learn English fun and in a natural environment, which is called 'Villa Inglesa Kids'. Some Valladollid High School students have put a touch of hope in the treatment of bullying, and they have done so talking about it without any hesitation in their song 'Today is dark, tomorrow will be black'.

The video game of Rompe Ralph, and the 'Stars Wars' version of Angry Birds for the iPad, have come as fresh news about leisure resources in technology. And the Mapendo prize for sure children's drawing that will take a few hours of our children's time in case they want to participate.

Arrived at our health issuesI would like to highlight the Allergy and Food project and information on healthy lifestyles.

During these days they have been three solidarity initiatives that we liked to have among us: Sweet Smiles of Miguelañez and APU, Agatha Ruiz solidarity t-shirts for Menudos Corazones, and the Chess Days, to give the ADHD 'checkmate'.

I finish with a question, what would you say if I tell you that physical punishment of children can increase their aggressiveness and mental disorders?

I return next day 20, meanwhile you can go thinking about the next parties, and knowing the web that the Magi have created, now you can say that they are up to date on the use of technology, right?