Colecho is not related to sudden infant death (and also benefits breastfeeding)

'Colecho is a beneficial practice for breastfeeding, and if risk factors are avoided, it is not related to sudden infant death.' This statement can be read in the review of studies about this controversial parenting practice, prepared by a team of pediatric specialists coordinated by Dr. Leonardo Landa Rivera (from the Marina Baixa Hospital - Villajoyosa / Alicante -), which has been published in the Pediatric Primary Care Magazine.

In short, this report comes to tell us what many fathers and mothers already knew intuitively, and that is why we had no qualms about sleeping with our babies and young children. And it not only facilitates breastfeeding on demand, but - also - It is very comfortable for everyone and allows us to spend more time in contact with the kids. A recommended practice for those who want it, without prejudice to other forms of family night organization that are minimally respectful of the needs of children. The needs of the babies, those great ones sometimes forgotten (due to the frenetic pace of life and the adoption of 'modern parenting practices' that we have removed from our sleeves), are present in a fragment of 'The Etruscan smile', so I will take advantage of this subsection to remember the common sense of the recently deceased José Luis Sampedro.

The old man is surprised at something ... That's! How did you not notice before? Does the child sleep there? - and, before the mute assent, he insists: Also at night? ... But is it that here in Milan these young children do not sleep with their parents? Who cares for them then? - That was before; When I was babysitting Not now; doctors say they sleep alone

My children already have their own room although we have collected several years: one for both of them, they are still in the company, I think that in a couple of years the older one who is nine and a half will want more privacy. Of course, we wait for them to fall asleep after the story (this time one for each one), and if they need our presence in the early morning any of the older changes room.

The team of professionals who have performed the aforementioned review (you can find it here), remember that 'The practice of parents sleeping with their children has been a constant in humanity'. At present, and with the increase in the prevalence and duration of breastfeeding, an increase in this practice has been observed in parallel that it may occur more frequently than the one recognized in the polls (something that you will have heard Rosa Jové say if you have heard or read it).

Even so, we continue to have low rates of breastfeeding (in Spain and the rest of the world), despite the risks to the present and future health of children and mothers, which brings the lack of breastfeeding.

But let's go back to school: 'there is no firm scientific evidence that discourages its practice in breastfed babies.' The alternative in the presence of a risk situation is the practice of cohabitation with the baby's crib near the parents bed (attached cradle without separation rail).

Factors that do increase the risk of sudden infant death syndrome

  • Absence of exclusive breastfeeding.

  • Baby position 'upside down' while he sleeps.

  • Tobacco use by one or both parents.

  • Consumption of alcohol, drugs or other substances or medications that alter responsiveness of the parents.

  • Soft and flat surfaces.

  • Excessive clothing of the baby.

  • I chat with people other than parents.

  • Use of pillows, cushions or comforters.

  • Morbid obesity from one of the parents.

The advice made by associations and pediatric organizations that recommend avoiding schooling, are based on studies that are not mostly controlled

I found it very interesting to disseminate this work, especially for those families with babies who wish to sleep with them but they feel insecure, or are pressured by the environment. And I reiterate that you should show respect for those people who attending 'all' the needs of babies opt for other ways of sleeping, although, I personally extended the appointment of Unamuno 'When a mother sleeps next to the child, the child sleeps twice ...', adding that parents also 'sleep twice' since they wake up more rested.

Video: Los bebés deberían dormir en la cama de mamá ? Colecho? muerte subida de bebe? Temas de Mama (July 2024).