"The delivery was not going well but the gynecologists went to dinner"

Going to the hospital to give birth in the hope of seeing your baby in a few hours and that the situation is twisted coming home without him should be the hardest thing that can ever happen to a couple (I do not even want to imagine it).

If there is also the feeling that everything would have been otherwise if the hospital had acted differently the feeling that remains, whatever it is, must be double.

Something like that happened to María del Mar. She went to the hospital in October last year to become a mother after three assisted reproduction treatments. The first time he ended up in abortion, the second one was unsuccessful and on the third occasion he entered La Arrixaca to be induced to give birth with 40 weeks of gestation.

The day after admission he entered the dilatation room. “The hours went by and I hardly dilated so they gave me oxytocin. But it didn't matter, because the girl had her head high and didn't put herself in the position of childbirth all day. ”, she says.

At eight in the afternoon the monitor began to show heart rhythm disturbances. The midwife notified the gynecologist but “They did nothing, and I was increasingly worried. I asked them to have a C-section and they ignored me. They closed my door because they said I was making people nervous. ”

The matron warned gynecologists up to two more times. María del Mar and her partner asked for explanations: "At ten o'clock they told us that everything was normal, that there was no need for an urgent caesarean section and that they were going to dinner." But half an hour later “The monitors went down to 45 beats, and the midwives got nervous. They started calling gynecologists looking for. ”

At 23:30 he had a cesarean: “They arrived without hurry, laughing and telling me not to worry”. When Maria del Mar woke up her daughter was no longer with her. “I asked about her and they told me that I was with the pediatrician, that the doctor was coming soon. When he arrived, he told me the truth. I learned that my daughter was dead in front of all the mothers with their newborn children. It was the height of dehumanization ”.

Maria del Mar was admitted to Psychiatry and continues under treatment. She and her partner have filed a criminal complaint against the medical team that treated her and placed themselves in the hands of the Association of Victims of Health Malpractice.

This story, if it really was as told, is heartbreaking and cruel. It is very difficult for me to put myself in the place of these parents, because of the suffering they must have experienced and what they have left to pass. It's hard for me because I don't want to imagine it. I would rather not do it. These situations should be unrepeatable.

Video: TWICE "Feel Special" MV (July 2024).