Dads and moms blogs (CLXXXV)

As every week, we go around the blogosphere to discover what has been published in recent days in the moms and dads blogs.

It is a way to publicize meeting places that help parents reflect and share experiences about raising their children. Once again, we look at the virtual window.

To start with a lot of humor I leave you with Mother Tiger and his post Happy no Birthday in which he reflects, with knowledge of cause and experience, on children's parties. Follow their funny tips to avoid dying in an attempt to celebrate.

The cutest story of The Bombones blog About the importance of knowing how to say thank you. How such a simple moment, such as telling a child the first time he came home, can become so special. Try doing it tonight.

A story that I liked a lot is the one I found in A pell. It is a story "for adults." It is titled Don't touch my breasts! and you can imagine what it is about, sex life after childbirth. You will surely feel identified.

In Lactating Loving, Gracita tells us "Why I do not make my daughter pending", an issue that all the mothers of girls have raised soon after birth. If you are in doubt, you may want to hear their opinion.

Finally, in A mother is born Vivian tells us about the lottery babies, that is to say all, if we understand as lottery babies those who do not cry, do not bother and sleep all night at a stretch. It explains how unfortunate the expression is. Totally agree.

So far, our weekly review by the maternal blogosphere. Next week, more. We take this opportunity to remind you that if you have a blog about maternity or paternity and you want us to visit it, leave a link in the comments of the post.