Thank you very much! Illustrated children's album that is aimed at important people who go through the lives of children

'Thank you!' It is a book published by Kalandraka that is very pleasant to read and he addresses us kindly.

It allows (in addition) that readers identify with own experiences or near experiences, reflecting home scenes in which the protagonists interact with each other and with various people.

'Thank you!' convey a message: be kind to others, and thank the gifts that - daily - gives you life; Learn from the people who go through your life all the things you can take advantage of
Nowadays we all complain that children have little patience, they don't know how to listen, they barely know the value of effort ..., actually many of the defects we attribute to them we can observe in ourselves (What happens is that it is more comfortable - and less risky - point to the other). Upon discovering 'Thank you!', I remembered the book by Catherine L'Ecuyer (Educate in Wonder), which tells us how difficult it is today to get a child to think before acting, be motivated, have hope ...

This illustrated album has been written by Isabel Minhós Martins, and illustrated by Bernardo Carvalho; It costs 13 euros and has 33 pages. It shows the influence that family members have on children's education, and how our own example can guide them in their relationship with others.

It is very nice to see how the little ones can build their own way of being by internalizing advice and learning provided by adults (although these are contradictory, since this circumstance helps the formation of abstract thinking): 'My father taught me to be patient. My mother explained that it is not always good to wait. From my grandmother Maria I learned that there is not a minute to lose. But according to my grandfather Felipe, the best of the best is to rest'.

Thank you! it is a message in the form of an illustrated album aimed at how many people go through our lives and contribute to our education, helping us forge our way of being and acting in society: family, friends, neighborhood, school ...