Take a two-year-old girl who had rushed through a window saving her life

There are anonymous heroes who walk the streets and who, without imagining it, become the guardian angel of other people. In this case it has been Dora Muhammed, a two-year-old girl of Syrian nationality, the lucky one who was rescued by a young man by rushing out a window.

She was captured on the flight by Feuzi Zabaat, a 17-year-old Algerian, who works on that same street and realized that the little girl was about to fall from the second floor of a building in Istanbul.

The images were recorded by a security camera of the building. Apparently, the little girl approached the window of her house while her mother was in the kitchen. But thanks to his quick reaction he suffered no injuries. According to the Demiroren News Agency of Turkey, the young man has received a reward of 30 euros for his bravery.

In Babies and more, the hero who climbed four floors to save a child

Beware of windows and balconies

We are in summer and it is normal that we open the windows more, therefore, if there are small children at home it is very important to take into account these tips to prevent falls of windows and balconies.

  • We don't look out the windows: If the child sees as normal that we are usually looking out the window or the balcony, they will imitate us.

  • Use appropriate safety devices: If there are young children at home, we must install special devices such as fall arrest nets, as well as window locks.

  • Do not place chairs, tables, beds, cribs, stools or any other furniture under the windows or object that can be perched to browse through the window. Place them away to avoid being taken to the window to climb.

Video: 2-Year-Old Girl Caught by Teen After Falling Out Window (May 2024).