Ever After High, the new dolls that will become fashionable this year

Do you remember the fury caused by the Monster High last and previous Christmas? The crazy girls with them, exhausted in all places ... Well now, from the same creators we present to you Ever After High, the new dolls that will become fashionable this year.

Imagination never ends when it comes to finding new objects of childhood desire. The Ever After High are of the Mattel firm, they are educated in the institute (in fact, the name of the dolls is that of the institute) and they are the daughters of protagonists of fairy tales and fantasy stories such as Snow White or Sleeping Beauty.

Thus, to curl the curl well, it turns out that Apple white, Snow White's daughter, has as a roommate at the Ever After High Institute a Raven queen, the daughter of the Evil Queen. God, how times have changed!

There are many more. We have Briar Beauty, the daughter of Sleeping Beauty, whose roommate is a Ashlynn EllaCinderella's daughter, who is surprisingly a kind, realistic, sweet girl and nothing believed or materialistic.

Thus, to continue intermingling fantastic relationships, Ashlynn's boyfriend is called Hunter huntsman and is the son of the Snow White hunter. Maddie doll, is the daughter of the Mad Hatter, from Alice in Wonderland and has roommate as Kitty Cheshire, in turn, daughter of the Cheshire cat, also Alice in Wonderland.

The aesthetic seems similar to that of the Monster High, but without being so horroras, but rather sweetened, but of course, super fashionistas.

Don't tell me they haven't been creative with the characters? The classic characters of children's stories give the witness to a "monsterized" generation of platforms, miniskirt and hair with colored wicks.

Did you like the new Ever After High dolls? They cost around 25 euros and you can get them from autumn 2013 at the toy stores. I have no doubt that they will be the next sold out at Christmas so you can already order one, then do not say we do not notify you.

Here you have a preview of what will be the universe of Ever after high.

Via | Peques and more More information | Ever After High In Babies and more | The TV that does not educate: 'Monster High'

Video: Off The Hook Dolls Review - Mix and Match Dolls with Surprise Fashions! (May 2024).