Book "Emotional health in childhood": school is also important

The school in the last century has focused on the cognitive side of children, leaving aside a more important component if possible, because it forms the basis of full personal development: emotional education. That's why I find it interesting the book "Emotional health in childhood", which addresses this issue from a school perspective.

Emotional education is essential from the mother's womb, in the family and of course, in school. Citizens, capable and happy people should leave the school environment, and emotions have a lot to do with it.

The complete title of the work is "Emotional health in childhood. Components and strategies for acting in school", and its author is Sonsoles Perpignan, psychologist, counselor and director of the Ávila Early Care Team of the Ministry of Education of the Junta de Castilla y León.

The author has extensive experience in the field of Early Care and in the relationship with families of children with special educational needs.

In this work we try to establish the bases from school so that today's children increase their self-esteem and social skills, they are happier children and adults, less dissatisfied, putting a brake on many disorders such as depression that affect more and more people .

The book is divided into two sections: the first one deals with emotional health and its components, while the second block focuses on acting strategies at school. This is an excerpt from the index:

  • Emotional health What is emotional health? Why address emotional health in nursery school.
  • Personal components of emotional health. Selfconcept. Self esteem. Self Control Control location Self motivation. Attribution system. Frustration tolerance. Suggestions for working these personal components in nursery school.
  • Relational components of emotional health. Emotional bond. Empathy. Assertiveness. Social skills. Suggestions for working on these relational components in nursery school.
  • Incidental strategies. Educational style. Communication. Classroom climate House Rules. Valid Values
  • Intentional strategies Routines Teaching Units Coexistence plans. Emotional health program

The book on emotions in school "Emotional health in childhood" It is published by the Narcea Publishing House (Education Today-Studies collection) and costs 16'50 euros. Undoubtedly, emotional health deserves a primary place in school, and we hope that this work adds more "followers" to this trend that fortunately many teachers do take into account.

Official Site | Narcea In Babies and more | "The emotional baby", a book by Enrique Blay, "Compass for emotional navigators", book by Elsa Punset, Punset: Five tips to make a baby a capable and happy adult

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