United Nations invites children to participate in the drawing contest to raise awareness about food waste

The United Nations Organization (UN) Invite the kids to participate in the 23rd edition of the painting contest whose theme will be food waste: Save the planet - Save food. Wasting food is wasting the planet (Save the planet, save food. Wasting food is wasting the planet). The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) joins the Japan-based Foundation for Global Peace and Environment (FGPE) and the companies Bayer and Nikon for the realization of this contest that since 1991 has received more than 3 million participants in more than 150 countries.

He painting style is absolutely free and can be used waxes, pencils, watercolors, etc. The article is illustrated with the winning painting in the 22nd edition of the 12-year-old Thai girl Chiratchaya Kaeokamkong. In the 23rd edition you can participate children between 6 and 14 years old and you can submit as many drawings per child as desired. The only restriction is that there are no words or descriptions in the drawing.

50 children may be the winners, there are up to five different categories of prizes and drawings can be submitted until March 15, 2014.

There will be winners by region, of the six existing. In Spain we belong to the European zone of which Isabelle Valentiny is in charge of UNEP to offer all the information. Isabelle is based in Geneva, Switzerland and can be reached by email Isabelle Valentiny

In any case, in the brochure of more information you can see all the peculiarities of the contest, which are very few, so I encourage all parents to point their children, especially to those who have the capacity to make global, extraordinary, wide-ranging drawings and also put the focus on the many improvements we still have to make to have a better planet.

Video: Hand Art 3D : Hole and A Scale Drawing (May 2024).