If your child has a broken stroller that you don't want to throw away, at Audi Toy Service they give you the solution

Today I want to tell you a very special initiative that Audi start developing tomorrow to congratulate Christmas: This is the first after-sales service for toy cars, and it is called Audi Toy Service.

This is intended to draw attention to the maintenance and care of toys, and they also tell us that strollers sometimes only need repair as soon as they break down (and not a change). To develop this action, they have launched a website from which they offer us information, and allow us to make the appointment for the set-up.

So, if your children want to give you a second chance to one of the cars with which they have 'run' so many adventures, the first thing you will have to do is check the availability of the service at your reference dealer (surely between 19 and 23 of this month, the technicians will have a lot of work).

Audi dealers are willing to change the wheels, wash the dust, fine-tune the slots, replace the mini shafts, perform a body micro-winding or give the toy a hand of hair and paint. In the Questions section you will find all the answers to your doubts: to highlight that only one appointment is allowed per child, or that the service is free but conditioned to a stroller and an appointment service.

Now your children will not have to throw their favorite cars for breakage, they may give them a new life in Audi Toy Service. And in addition, if you have more toys that are not going to be used, this service will donate them to a social entity so that it will reach them to other needy children who dream of having them.