The Santillana Foundation presents the XXVIII Education Week dedicated to the strengths and weaknesses of Spanish education

On February 3, 4 and 5, 2014 will take place in the amphitheater the Madrid House of America the XXVIII Education Week of the Santillana Foundation, which in this edition bears the motto Strengths and weaknesses of Spanish education. Outstanding experts, researchers and educational leaders will contribute their vision and experiences on the priorities and future of Spanish education within the international environment, the need for assessment tests, the crucial role of teachers in a time of transformation, and educational policies implemented since the establishment of democracy. All activities will be held from 19 to 21 hours.

On the opening day of day 3 will intervene Andreas Schleicher, Deputy Director of Education of the OECD and director of the PISA report that has prepared the basic document of this edition. Schleicher will offer an analysis based on the extensive information contained in the PISA program and that allows to know and compare the performance in competencies of students from all OECD countries, among which is Spain. According to Schleicher, PISA shows what is possible to achieve and allows any country to look in the mirror of the educational results and opportunities provided by world leaders in education.

The international leader of the OECD considers that, in an environment of economic crisis like the one in Spain, it is when the urgency of providing people with better skills to collaborate, compete and connect in a way that advances the economy becomes more evident, employment is encouraged and social inequality is reduced.

With the name Evaluation and teaching staff, keys to improve education, the Tuesday, February 4, educational experts Marta Encinas-Martín (OECD education analyst), Enrique Roca (Spanish representative in PISA 2012), Ismael Sanz (director of the National Institute of Educational Evaluation) and Mariano Fernández-Enguita (Professor of Sociology of the UCM) will talk about the participation of teachers in a time of high social demand for quality education and how they respond in an environment of change.

He Wednesday 5 is dedicated to Educational policies in democracy, with the participation of former Education Ministers Juan Antonio Ortega and Díaz Ambrona, Mercedes Cabrera Y Angel Gabilondo, as well as the former Secretary General of Education, Eugenio Nasarre. All of them will analyze the evolution of the educational policies that have been applied in these years, describing the priorities that, in the opinion of each one, should be addressed.

From the Santillana Foundation page you can follow all the activities of the week live in streaming. There are also Twitter accounts @fundsantillana, @santillanagrupo, @semanaeducacion and the hashtag # SEducation2014.

The Santillana Foundation Education Week It started in 1984 with annual editions with the direction and impulse of Ricardo Diez-Hochleitner, vice president of the entity at that time. The vocation of the week is to become a meeting place for leading education leaders, especially from Latin American countries, and with prominent presences of education, politics, economics and thought figures from Europe and America . In the 27 editions held, more than 400 personalities have been seen, including Jacques Delors, Federico Mayor Zaragoza, Philip Coombs, Andreas Schleicher, Juan Carlos Tedesco, Mariano Rajoy, Felipe González, Belisario Betancur, Mario Vargas Llosa and many personalities who have occupied the ministerial education portfolios from many countries.