How to detect if your child has a vision problem

During the school year it is when some of the visual problems in children, such as myopia, astigmatism or strabismus. Although it seems easy to detect them at home, many of the visual disturbances of the little ones are often overlooked, so it is convenient check vision of children periodically to avoid major problems. We must not forget, in addition, that the prevention It is the basis of visual health, and following basic care will help keep vision problems at bay.

Vision care

Vision care should be done from very early ages, since some visual problems may arise from the birth. The most common in newborns is the squint, a completely normal and temporary circumstance during the first weeks of life, but it is convenient to follow closely if we see that it lengthens in time and consult a specialist to treat the problem and avoid subsequent disorders.

Often, amblyopia or lazy eye - also called lazy eye - appears next to strabismus. It is a problem of childhood vision of the most common and consists in the decrease of visual acuity in one eye. Identifying and treating it on time is very important to correct it completely.

Other visual problems may appear during the first years of life, such as myopia, the farsightedness, he astigmatism and some congenital pathologies. It should be aware of the most common and its symptoms, and how you should act in each case.

Eye pathologies can come hand in hand with other systematic diseases, such as diabetes, or even generate academic problems. Many times a child is labeled as a bad student or lazy when, in reality, it is a visual impairment that influences their performance. According to experts, 30% of school failures are related to some vision abnormality, so the early detection Any problem is key to perform the appropriate treatment and avoid major problems.

Warning signs in children

Children are especially sensitive to vision problems and their diagnosis and treatment They are key to preventing major problems.

We adults can see if our sight has worsened or we have some eye discomfort, for example, if it is difficult for us to read more in low light, we squint with the small print, or we do not recognize faces at a certain distance. In these situations should check the vision. Instead, children will hardly be aware of it and will not let us know. A small probably he won't know what he looked bad until, after treatment, see perfectly.

However, there are certain factors that can serve as a clue To be alert Therefore, it is advisable to go to a specialist to check your vision if you complain about Headaches or if you notice that it close a lot To read or to television. Forcing the view or trying to focus too much on a text can be a symptom of not seeing correctly. If your low school performance Without apparent cause, it may also be due to any of these reasons.

Prevention, key

Prevention and some good practices They are essential for better visual health. Among the most basic care stands out protect the eyes from ultraviolet rays using approved sunglasses -also in the case of the smallest-, especially if you are on the beach, the sea or the snow, where UV rays have a higher incidence on the eyes.

Not force sight It is also very important, so you should avoid reading in low light, or getting too close to luminous display devices, such as television, mobile or tablets. In addition, you must control that no abuse its use, resting frequently to avoid itching, redness and excessive tiredness of the eyes.

You also have to be especially careful with the eye hygiene, cleaning them gently with gauze and a specific product for them.

Last but not least, remember that visual health professionals should assess the state of your vision and that of the little ones. To do this, it is convenient go to the reviews periodically performed by optical-optometrist professionals, who, in addition, of detect possible problems, indicate the necessary correction and perform a post tracking.

Do not neglect the visual health of the little ones, nor yours. Next to some good hygiene practices and eye care, it should check your vision at least once a year and in case of any inconvenience or anomaly that you detect, go to your optician-optometrist, who will know how to guide you.

Photos | iStock: karelnoppe / manaemedia / monkeybusinessimages

Video: How can I tell if my child has a vision problem? (July 2024).