Rattles-guitar for party babies

The rattles are simple and very stimulating objects for babies. Years ago, hard rattles dominated the landscape, but those that are padded that do not harm the baby in case of hitting it have become fashionable.

Like these electric guitar shaped rattles, ideal for party babies. There are several models, in bright colors or striking or striped prints, for all tastes. And in addition to "making noise", it stimulates the baby's senses, providing fun learning times.

The ear, the touch, the sight and also the motor coordination is propitiated by the "handling" of the rattle, since making it sound is not as simple as it seems for smaller babies.

The padded rattles are made in the form of an electric guitar and also a bass guitar, with names that honor the great musicians. If you prefer a less rocker design, we remind you of these beautiful house-shaped rattles, also padded and printed with attractive designs, which we saw a while ago.

The guitar-shaped rattles for party babies I've seen them in älva for kids and they are from The Lazy Jellyfish. They cost about 20 euros each and their approximate measurements are 20 by 10 centimeters. His first guitar ... and they will have time for others that emit more varied notes.

Video: Shake rattle & roll Let's Party Baby! (July 2024).